Piedmont Kids
Piedmont Kids gives children the opportunity to explore God's promises and the truths found in His Word. It is our passion to teach children:
- I can trust God no matter what.
- I need to make the wise choice.
- I should treat others the way I want to be treated.
Through these three core values, we are able to help kids understand who God is and how much He loves them.

9:30 am and 11:00 am
9:30 and 11:00 services are identical and are broken up into small group and large group within each service.
Small Group: This is a time for your children to dive deeper into the Bible story and discover how it applies to their season of life with other kids their age.
Large Group: This is an epic time that starts off with fun games that get your child excited and wondering what is next. We then continue with worship, which includes high energy and worshipful songs that help your child develop and understand how to worship Jesus with the gifts they have. Finally, we wrap up with the Bible story. We place a huge emphasis on the Bible story, as it is the Truth that children walk away with hidden in their hearts.
6:30 - 8:00 pm
We think knowing God's Word and having fun are very important. On Wednesdays at Piedmont Kids, we will learn God's Word together and talk about the ways your kids can apply it to their lives. This is a great time to coach and let your kids have a blast!
Now I’m a Christian
Children who have made a decision to make a profession of faith will receive a booklet to reinforce and explain the decision to follow Christ. This special Sunday morning will focus on these kids and allow them to experience the same things they would experience in “adult worship.” As a next step, baptism is available each month when a child is ready.
These children will also observe communion throughout the year so they can participate in the ordinance of the bread and the cup.
For more information on, or to serve in this ministry area, contact Aaron Collier.