JUNE LOVE DOES – M.U.S.T Summer Lunch Program
Each year, Piedmont Church supports the MUST Summer Lunch Program by supplying peanut butter and jelly sandwich lunches for one week during the summer. These lunches are provided to children throughout Cobb County that aren’t able to have a lunch due to school being out for summer break. We need your help to feed these children. You can make the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at home following the instructions below, and bring them to Piedmont on June 25. All other lunch items that are needed can be brought on any Sunday in June. To find out what those items are, and to let us know what you’re going to bring, fill out the registration form here.
Sandwich instructions
- Use only white or wheat bread. No rolls or buns.
- Mix peanut butter and jelly together before making sandwiches.
- Place each sandwich in a zip lock bag (not a fold over bag or foil).
- Place the sandwiches back in the bread bag and refrigerate.
- Bring completed sandwiches to Piedmont Church on Sunday morning, June 25. All other items can be brought to the East Hall any Sunday in June.