I have some exciting and challenging news to share. Piedmont Church recently paid off a $1.4 million debt for the space we use for our Piedmont Early Learning Center! As promised, we used some of the gifts from our Christmas 2023 Offering to make this possible. Thank you all for your faithfulness in giving to God through Piedmont.
In January, after seven years on our campus, Grace Point School moved to their new location on Cobb Parkway. During their time on our campus, they invested more than $850,000 in upgrades and improvements to the 15,000 square foot building during their lease. (This building is across from our Conference Center Building.). Some of the major upgrades were a new HVAC system, restrooms and an elevator.
I whole-heartedly believe that the future of Piedmont Church lies within the next generation of our children and teens. One of our biggest needs is more space for our children and students to accomplish our vision of their future growth. This newly vacant space provides a tremendous opportunity.
Our Children’s and Student Ministries have been sharing the Chapel space for over a year to make way for the expanded Early Learning Center in the current Children’s Building. Now is the time to make much-needed renovations so that these ministry areas can flourish and grow in space designed for each age group!
This also provides an incredible opportunity to make a major remodel for these expansions a reality. Our architect has provided us with some amazing drawings that reflect the future growth of our Family Ministry.

The Challenge
This renovation will require a $700,000 capital expenditure. We don’t have those funds available in our budget or reserves and do not want to incur any additional long-term debt at this time.
Phase One of this renovation will be known as “Heart for the House” campaign

My challenge to each of our Piedmont family and friends is to join me and our leadership in raising the needed $700,000 by making or pledging a gift on Sunday, May 5th. We know that you have a Heart for the House at Piedmont – God’s House - and ask that you prayerfully consider a sacrificial gift above and beyond your normal tithes and offerings. We should always give a portion to God and sometimes give a sacrifice!
As your pastor, I have been praying about this and have put my trust in God to walk ahead of Piedmont Church and our vision. Piedmont Church is embarking on a challenge that I believe will impact future generations until the day that Jesus Christ returns.
In the Master’s service,
Dwight “Ike” Reighard
Senior Pastor
Goal = $700,000
Children and Student Space Upgrades
Expansion of our Preschool/Children’s Ministry with more space and capacity by allowing us to grow from 5,000 square feet (in current Children’s Building) up to 15,000 square feet.
Expansion for our Student Ministry by upgrading our Chapel and the second floor of our existing Children’s Building for Student Worship and Small Groups including:
- Audio, Visual and Lighting Upgrades in the Chapel
- Painting for The Chapel
- Technology, Flooring, Paint, Furniture in 2nd floor hallways/rooms adjacent to The Chapel